Grace Table

What to expect

What does worship through the Word look like?

We preach Christ from all the Scriptures. We believe that King Jesus is at the crux of every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and everywhere in between. Our typical habit will be mostly verse-by-verse through books of the Bible showing how Christ is the hero and our hope all throughout redemptive history. We truly believe by God's grace that you’ll find in the Scriptures a true and better story that will explain the fractured world around us and point us to a joy-filled Solution that the delusional promise of self-help styled talks cannot. We've also found that expositional (verse-by-verse) preaching keeps us from avoiding hard topics and increases our trust in God's Word to transform lives and not our ideas.

What does worship through song look like?

For us the content of what we're singing is far more important than style. Therefore, whether we are singing a hymn from the 1700s or modern song, we place a high value on the lyrics that we are flooding our minds attention and hearts affections with. Our liturgy is carefully curated each week in that every song will point us to Christ and the specific text that we will see Him in that gathering.  Our worship team strives for excellence and continually reminds us that we ultimately all worship an audience of One, namely Jesus.

What does worship through response look like?

Every Sunday there are multiple avenues to worship in response to what God has done and who He is:
I. Prayer: We seek to commune with the Lord through prayer. Every week we have dedicated time to intentionally pause and commune with God in prayers of adoration of praising God for who He is, prayers of confession of where we fall short in sin, prayers of assurance of what we confess is forgiven in light of the cross of Christ, and prayers of supplication where we make known our daily needs and intercede for others.
II. Song: We sing the gospel. In response to the teaching of truth, we respond in singing gospel truths. Hymnody has a unique and special way of connecting us to the Father communally as we sing praises corporately. We declare together our utter dependence upon and gratitude towards the Lord who unites us together by the work of Christ the Son through praising Him with one Spirit-led communal voice.
III. Communion: The Lord's Supper is the centerpiece each Sunday gathering, not out of ritual, but in response to the gracious news of the Gospel. It is a means of grace in which we are reminded of the work of Christ and our newfound identity in light of it.
IV. Giving: Giving is worship. God has granted to us everything and we respond by being faithful stewards of what He has already granted to us. We joyfully and thankfully tithe back a portion of what the Lord grants us for Gospel ministry in Mobile and to the ends of the earth.

What do people wear?

Wear what's comfortable. There is no set dress code, although, for the most part, the attire is more on the casual side. For a lot of people, that looks like jeans and a
t-shirt or jeans and a collared shirt. Just be you. Come as you are.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30 am.