Grace Table

Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Mission

The mission of Grace Table Church is to see Mobile thrive by hearing and seeing the better story of Jesus embodied in radical hospitality. 

Our Vision

Grace Table Church exists to cultivate gospel communities that boast in Jesus in every neighborhood of Mobile for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.

Our Values

In Mobile, we desire to see a gospel movement where believers invite the skeptic, doubter, and seeker into their home and life to see that God is the chief end to their longing. We want to be a home where people belong by planting themselves in the historic reality of what God has already done through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see a Spirit-filled people join in the work towards the future God is creating where truth, beauty, and goodness flourish. We pray God will bless our efforts with enlarged influence and opportunities to serve our city and beyond. Our values are how we plan to embody Grace Table's vision to the glory of God and the good of the city. At Grace Table our values are to be a truth-seeking people, a communal people, a spiritually-formed people, and living our lives as a sent people. In other words, we want to be a people of the Word who are not just hearers and knowers, but transformed practitioners who are living in gospel community on mission in our neighborhoods and world.